==== World Championships - 2018 ==== === Rio de Janeiro/BRA - Parque Radical De Deodoro - Parque Radical De Deodoro === === 26-SEP-2018 - 30-SEP-2018 === \\ {{archiv:2018:2018-09-30-wm-rio.pdf|Result List}} \\ ==== C2-mixed - individual ==== | 1 | [[en_sportler:spo_14450s|Aleksandra STACH]] - [[en_sportler:spo_9562p|Marcin POCHWALA]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | 2 | [[en_sportler:spo_14089h|Margaux HENRY]] - [[en_sportler:spo_13431p|Yves PRIGENT]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 3 | [[en_sportler:spo_12084v|Veronika VOJTOVA]] - [[en_sportler:spo_4246m|Jan MASEK]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 4 | [[en_sportler:spo_13976f|Tereza FISEROVA]] - [[en_sportler:spo_11530j|Jakub JANE]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 5 | [[en_sportler:spo_14300s|Sona STANOVSKA]] - [[en_sportler:spo_10007b|Jan BATIK]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 6 | [[en_sportler:spo_12608v|Nuria VILARRUBLA]] - [[en_sportler:spo_10718h|Samuel HERNANZ]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 7 | [[en_sportler:spo_14301e|Omira ESTACIA NETA]] - [[en_sportler:spo_12867c|Charles Fernando CORREA]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | ==== C1-men - individual ==== | 1 | [[en_sportler:spo_9482a|Franz ANTON]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 2 | [[en_sportler:spo_12601w|Ryan WESTLEY]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 3 | [[en_sportler:spo_10449t|Sideris TASIADIS]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 4 | [[en_sportler:spo_10008b|Matej BENUS]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 5 | [[en_sportler:spo_7663s|Alexander SLAFKOVSKY]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 6 | [[en_sportler:spo_4953m|Michal MARTIKAN]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 7 | [[en_sportler:spo_9804s|Benjamin SAVSEK]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | 8 | [[en_sportler:spo_11548r|Tomas RAK]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 9 | [[en_sportler:spo_11590b|Luka BOZIC]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | 10 | [[en_sportler:spo_10727g|Denis GARGAUD CHANUT]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 11 | [[en_sportler:spo_10273e|Ander ELOSEGI]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 12 | [[en_sportler:spo_10728e|Casey EICHFELD]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | 13 | [[en_sportler:spo_10275h|Grzegorz HEDWIG]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | 14 | [[en_sportler:spo_9305g|Vitezslav GEBAS]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 15 | [[en_sportler:spo_11550m|Matija MARINIC]] | CRO {{icons:cro.png}} | | 16 | [[en_sportler:spo_12292b|Anze BERCIC]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | 17 | [[en_sportler:spo_12298b|Adam BURGESS]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 18 | [[en_sportler:spo_12859b|Felipe BORGES]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 19 | [[en_sportler:spo_13629j|Cedric JOLY]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 20 | [[en_sportler:spo_9112f|David FLORENCE]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 21 | [[en_sportler:spo_11585s|Cameron SMEDLEY]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} | | 22 | [[en_sportler:spo_13641w|Daniel WATKINS]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 23 | [[en_sportler:spo_11304t|Pierre-Antoine TILLARD]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 24 | [[en_sportler:spo_13510j|Liam JEGOU]] | IRL {{icons:irl.png}} | | 25 | [[en_sportler:spo_13570k|Thomas KOECHLIN]] | SUI {{icons:sui.png}} | | 26 | [[en_sportler:spo_12816r|Lukas ROHAN]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 27 | [[en_sportler:spo_11744b|Ian BORROWS]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 28 | [[en_sportler:spo_13749i|Raffaello IVALDI]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | 29 | [[en_sportler:spo_12582s|Kirill SETKIN]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 30 | [[en_sportler:spo_12754s|Igor SZTUBA]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | 31 | [[en_sportler:spo_13636b|Jean Pierre BOURHIS]] | SEN {{icons:sen.png}} | | 32 | [[en_sportler:spo_12867c|Charles Fernando CORREA]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 33 | [[en_sportler:spo_13072t|Lennard TUCHSCHERER]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 34 | [[en_sportler:spo_14605t|Miquel TRAVE]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 35 | [[en_sportler:spo_13748n|Aleksandr NEPOGODIN]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 36 | [[en_sportler:spo_10094h|Takuya HANEDA]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | 37 | [[en_sportler:spo_14481k|Dmitrii KHRAMTSOV]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 38 | [[en_sportler:spo_12389l|Zachary LOKKEN]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | 39 | [[en_sportler:spo_12297c|Roberto COLAZINGARI]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | 40 | [[en_sportler:spo_8593l|Fabien LEFEVRE]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | 41 | [[en_sportler:spo_12147r|Sebastian Maximilian ROSSI]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | 42 | [[en_sportler:spo_14277c|Jake COCHRANE]] | IRL {{icons:irl.png}} | | 43 | [[en_sportler:spo_11583p|Spencer POMEROY]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} | | 44 | [[en_sportler:spo_11693c|Fangjia CHEN]] | CHN {{icons:chn.png}} | | 45 | [[en_sportler:spo_14448b|Yves BOURHIS]] | SEN {{icons:sen.png}} | | 46 | [[en_sportler:spo_13640c|Brodie CRAWFORD]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 47 | [[en_sportler:spo_10761t|Kazuya TANIGUCHI]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | 48 | [[en_sportler:spo_12434s|Shota SASAKI]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | 49 | [[en_sportler:spo_14291s|Gustavo SELBACH JR.]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 50 | [[en_sportler:spo_9054p|Marcel POTOCNY]] | HUN {{icons:hun.png}} | | 51 | [[en_sportler:spo_14665a|Frederico ALVARENGA]] | POR {{icons:por.png}} | | 52 | [[en_sportler:spo_9335c|Stefano CIPRESSI]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | 53 | [[en_sportler:spo_12270m|Daniel MARZO]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 54 | [[en_sportler:spo_14446z|Peng ZHANG]] | CHN {{icons:chn.png}} | | 55 | [[en_sportler:spo_13866n|Przemyslaw NOWAK]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | 56 | [[en_sportler:spo_10762c|Jose CARVALHO]] | POR {{icons:por.png}} | ==== K1 men - individual ==== | 1 | [[en_sportler:spo_9494a|Hannes AIGNER]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 2 | [[en_sportler:spo_12595p|Jiri PRSKAVEC]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 3 | [[en_sportler:spo_11264e|Pavel EIGEL]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 4 | [[en_sportler:spo_10714n|Boris NEVEU]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 5 | [[en_sportler:spo_12620c|Joseph CLARKE]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 6 | [[en_sportler:spo_12243t|Ondrej TUNKA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 7 | [[en_sportler:spo_10767p|Vit PRINDIS]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 8 | [[en_sportler:spo_12245d|Giovanni DE GENNARO]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | 9 | [[en_sportler:spo_11260p|Michal PASIUT]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | 10 | [[en_sportler:spo_8898k|Peter KAUZER]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | 11 | [[en_sportler:spo_12096w|Lukas WERRO]] | SUI {{icons:sui.png}} | | 12 | [[en_sportler:spo_11698d|Lucien DELFOUR]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 13 | [[en_sportler:spo_14286j|Zan JAKSE]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | 14 | [[en_sportler:spo_14204o|Felix OSCHMAUTZ]] | AUT {{icons:aut.png}} | | 15 | [[en_sportler:spo_8930s|Sebastian SCHUBERT]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 16 | [[en_sportler:spo_12452s|Michal SMOLEN]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | 17 | [[en_sportler:spo_13677g|Jakub GRIGAR]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 18 | [[en_sportler:spo_11785h|Martin HALCIN]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 19 | [[en_sportler:spo_10288p|Dariusz POPIELA]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | 20 | [[en_sportler:spo_12247i|Zeno IVALDI]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | 21 | [[en_sportler:spo_12249d|Martin DOUGOUD]] | SUI {{icons:sui.png}} | | 22 | [[en_sportler:spo_11770t|Igor TSVIET]] | UKR {{icons:ukr.png}} | | 23 | [[en_sportler:spo_13951z|Haoran ZHU]] | CHN {{icons:chn.png}} | | 24 | [[en_sportler:spo_10718h|Samuel HERNANZ]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 25 | [[en_sportler:spo_14009d|Christian DE DIONIGI]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | 26 | [[en_sportler:spo_13682f|Bradley FORBES-CRYANS]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 27 | [[en_sportler:spo_12647g|Pedro GONCALVES]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 28 | [[en_sportler:spo_13641w|Daniel WATKINS]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 29 | [[en_sportler:spo_10386p|Mateusz POLACZYK]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | 30 | [[en_sportler:spo_8593l|Fabien LEFEVRE]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | 31 | [[en_sportler:spo_13465s|Martin SRABOTNIK]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | 32 | [[en_sportler:spo_14085m|Mathurin MADORÉ]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 33 | [[en_sportler:spo_13463l|Antoine LAUNAY]] | POR {{icons:por.png}} | | 34 | [[en_sportler:spo_10431d|Michael DAWSON]] | NZL {{icons:nzl.png}} | | 35 | [[en_sportler:spo_10558c|Joan CRESPO]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 36 | [[en_sportler:spo_12780b|Quentin BURGI]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 37 | [[en_sportler:spo_11540y|Taku YOSHIDA]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | 38 | [[en_sportler:spo_13477m|Manuel MUNSCH]] | SUI {{icons:sui.png}} | | 39 | [[en_sportler:spo_14098l|David LLORENTE]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 40 | [[en_sportler:spo_14102b|Christopher BOWERS]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 41 | [[en_sportler:spo_13684m|Guilherme Marcello MAPELLI]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 42 | [[en_sportler:spo_14431q|Xin QUAN]] | CHN {{icons:chn.png}} | | 43 | [[en_sportler:spo_13645r|Lucas ROSSI]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | 44 | [[en_sportler:spo_13745l|Mario LEITNER]] | AUT {{icons:aut.png}} | | 45 | [[en_sportler:spo_13473s|Maxim SHABANOV]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 46 | [[en_sportler:spo_12803h|Erik HOLMER]] | SWE {{icons:swe.png}} | | 47 | [[en_sportler:spo_11715o|Isak ÖHRSTRÖM]] | SWE {{icons:swe.png}} | | 48 | [[en_sportler:spo_12874a|Timothy ANDERSON]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 49 | [[en_sportler:spo_12344t|Michael TAYLER]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} | | 50 | [[en_sportler:spo_11541h|Ben HAYWARD]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} | | 51 | [[en_sportler:spo_13626r|Fabio RODRIGUES]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 52 | [[en_sportler:spo_10835w|Frederik WAHLEN]] | SWE {{icons:swe.png}} | | 53 | [[en_sportler:spo_13932b|Finn BUTCHER]] | NZL {{icons:nzl.png}} | | 54 | [[en_sportler:spo_11916a|Kazuya ADACHI]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | 55 | [[en_sportler:spo_10414y|Kazuki YAZAWA]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | 56 | [[en_sportler:spo_14595s|Martin STANOVSKY]] | KAZ {{icons:kaz.png}} | | 57 | [[en_sportler:spo_14329m|Alistair MCCREERY]] | IRL {{icons:irl.png}} | | 58 | [[en_sportler:spo_9054p|Marcel POTOCNY]] | HUN {{icons:hun.png}} | | 59 | [[en_sportler:spo_13486r|Cade RYAN]] | IRL {{icons:irl.png}} | | 60 | [[en_sportler:spo_14117d|Jack DANGEN]] | NZL {{icons:nzl.png}} | | 61 | [[en_sportler:spo_13784s|Samuel STANOVSKY]] | LAT {{icons:lat.png}} | | 62 | [[en_sportler:spo_14665a|Frederico ALVARENGA]] | POR {{icons:por.png}} | | 63 | [[en_sportler:spo_14051e|Andraz ECHEVERRIA OLGUIN]] | CHI {{icons:chi.png}} | | 64 | [[en_sportler:spo_14982f|Axel FONSECA DIAZ]] | CRC {{icons:crc.png}} | | 65 | [[en_sportler:spo_14755r|Antonio REINOSO DIAZ]] | MEX {{icons:mex.png}} | | 66 | [[en_sportler:spo_14336e|Fernando ESTAY]] | CHI {{icons:chi.png}} | | 67 | [[en_sportler:spo_14252m|Sergey MAYMISTOV]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 68 | [[en_sportler:spo_8687m|Tim MAXEINER]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 69 | [[en_sportler:spo_14086s|Jakub STANOVSKY]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 70 | [[en_sportler:spo_13948w|Matthias WEGER]] | AUT {{icons:aut.png}} | | 71 | [[en_sportler:spo_14036b|Thomas BERSINGER]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | 72 | [[en_sportler:spo_14285c|Matias CONTRERAS]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | 73 | [[en_sportler:spo_14268r|Jaime RIAL LANCASTER]] | CHI {{icons:chi.png}} | | 74 | [[en_sportler:spo_15121m|Dusan MACKIC]] | BIH {{icons:bih.png}} | ==== Men's Kayak Cross - individual ==== | 1 | [[en_sportler:spo_14009d|Christian DE DIONIGI]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | 2 | [[en_sportler:spo_10714n|Boris NEVEU]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 3 | [[en_sportler:spo_14036b|Thomas BERSINGER]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | 4 | [[en_sportler:spo_10767p|Vit PRINDIS]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 5 | [[en_sportler:spo_11541h|Ben HAYWARD]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} | | 6 | [[en_sportler:spo_12096w|Lukas WERRO]] | SUI {{icons:sui.png}} | | 7 | [[en_sportler:spo_12647g|Pedro GONCALVES]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 8 | [[en_sportler:spo_11770t|Igor TSVIET]] | UKR {{icons:ukr.png}} | | 9 | [[en_sportler:spo_11264e|Pavel EIGEL]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 10 | [[en_sportler:spo_14252m|Sergey MAYMISTOV]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 11 | [[en_sportler:spo_14086s|Jakub STANOVSKY]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 12 | [[en_sportler:spo_10835w|Frederik WAHLEN]] | SWE {{icons:swe.png}} | | 13 | [[en_sportler:spo_8571l|Tren LONG]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | 14 | [[en_sportler:spo_14051e|Andraz ECHEVERRIA OLGUIN]] | CHI {{icons:chi.png}} | | 15 | [[en_sportler:spo_14268r|Jaime RIAL LANCASTER]] | CHI {{icons:chi.png}} | | 16 | [[en_sportler:spo_13645r|Lucas ROSSI]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | 17 | [[en_sportler:spo_12243t|Ondrej TUNKA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 18 | [[en_sportler:spo_10431d|Michael DAWSON]] | NZL {{icons:nzl.png}} | | 19 | [[en_sportler:spo_12244p|Rafal POLACZYK]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | 20 | [[en_sportler:spo_12452s|Michal SMOLEN]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | 21 | [[en_sportler:spo_14982f|Axel FONSECA DIAZ]] | CRC {{icons:crc.png}} | | 22 | [[en_sportler:spo_13636b|Jean Pierre BOURHIS]] | SEN {{icons:sen.png}} | | 23 | [[en_sportler:spo_14755r|Antonio REINOSO DIAZ]] | MEX {{icons:mex.png}} | | 24 | [[en_sportler:spo_14448b|Yves BOURHIS]] | SEN {{icons:sen.png}} | | 25 | [[en_sportler:spo_13626r|Fabio RODRIGUES]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 26 | [[en_sportler:spo_14595s|Martin STANOVSKY]] | KAZ {{icons:kaz.png}} | | 27 | [[en_sportler:spo_14219k|Tine KANCLER]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | 28 | [[en_sportler:spo_13784s|Samuel STANOVSKY]] | LAT {{icons:lat.png}} | | 29 | [[en_sportler:spo_10718h|Samuel HERNANZ]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 30 | [[en_sportler:spo_15121m|Dusan MACKIC]] | BIH {{icons:bih.png}} | | 31 | [[en_sportler:spo_12245d|Giovanni DE GENNARO]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | 32 | [[en_sportler:spo_12249d|Martin DOUGOUD]] | SUI {{icons:sui.png}} | ==== C1 women - individual ==== | 1 | [[en_sportler:spo_12402f|Jessica FOX]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 2 | [[en_sportler:spo_12712f|Mallory FRANKLIN]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 3 | [[en_sportler:spo_13976f|Tereza FISEROVA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 4 | [[en_sportler:spo_13896w|Nadine WERATSCHNIG]] | AUT {{icons:aut.png}} | | 5 | [[en_sportler:spo_12589w|Viktoria WOLFFHARDT]] | AUT {{icons:aut.png}} | | 6 | [[en_sportler:spo_13543s|Ana SATILA]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 7 | [[en_sportler:spo_11586l|Rosalyn LAWRENCE]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 8 | [[en_sportler:spo_14632f|Bethan FORROW]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 9 | [[en_sportler:spo_11447s|Lena STÖCKLIN]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 10 | [[en_sportler:spo_14300s|Sona STANOVSKA]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 11 | [[en_sportler:spo_11677j|Claire JACQUET]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 12 | [[en_sportler:spo_11682j|Luuka JONES]] | NZL {{icons:nzl.png}} | | 13 | [[en_sportler:spo_14587s|Gabriela SATKOVA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 14 | [[en_sportler:spo_9084h|Katerina HAVLICKOVA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 15 | [[en_sportler:spo_13897f|Noemie FOX]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 16 | [[en_sportler:spo_12291m|Polina MUKHGALEEVA]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 17 | [[en_sportler:spo_13497w|Kimberley WOODS]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 18 | [[en_sportler:spo_13903y|Jie YANG]] | CHN {{icons:chn.png}} | | 19 | [[en_sportler:spo_12669c|Shi CHEN]] | CHN {{icons:chn.png}} | | 20 | [[en_sportler:spo_14190d|Monica DORIA]] | AND {{icons:and.png}} | | 21 | [[en_sportler:spo_14026p|Lucie PRIOUX]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 22 | [[en_sportler:spo_14185m|Simona MACEKOVA]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 23 | [[en_sportler:spo_13452b|Lucie BAUDU]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 24 | [[en_sportler:spo_14450s|Aleksandra STACH]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | 25 | [[en_sportler:spo_13711l|Miren LAZKANO]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 26 | [[en_sportler:spo_14186s|Monika SKACHOVA]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 27 | [[en_sportler:spo_13055h|Andrea HERZOG]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 28 | [[en_sportler:spo_14184m|Alsu MINAZOVA]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 29 | [[en_sportler:spo_13050l|Elena LILIK]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 30 | [[en_sportler:spo_12841y|Airi YAGI]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | 31 | [[en_sportler:spo_12608v|Nuria VILARRUBLA]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 32 | [[en_sportler:spo_11778u|Viktoriya US]] | UKR {{icons:ukr.png}} | | 33 | [[en_sportler:spo_11756d|Viktoriya DOBROTVORSKA]] | UKR {{icons:ukr.png}} | | 34 | [[en_sportler:spo_14301e|Omira ESTACIA NETA]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 35 | [[en_sportler:spo_13714v|Annebel VAN DER KNIJFF]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 36 | [[en_sportler:spo_14288d|Beatriz DA MOTTA]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 37 | [[en_sportler:spo_13775s|Zulfia SABITOVA]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 38 | [[en_sportler:spo_14280s|Ayano SATO]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | 39 | [[en_sportler:spo_14640b|Oceane BAYLACQ]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | 40 | [[en_sportler:spo_13661m|Ren MISHIMA]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | 41 | [[en_sportler:spo_14304b|Lois BETTERIDGE]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} | | 42 | [[en_sportler:spo_12062c|Maria Luz CASSINI]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | 43 | [[en_sportler:spo_12916d|Haley DANIELS]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} | ==== Women's Kayak - individual ==== | 1 | [[en_sportler:spo_12402f|Jessica FOX]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 2 | [[en_sportler:spo_12712f|Mallory FRANKLIN]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 3 | [[en_sportler:spo_11349f|Ricarda FUNK]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 4 | [[en_sportler:spo_9795k|Ursa KRAGELJ]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | 5 | [[en_sportler:spo_9996k|Corinna KUHNLE]] | AUT {{icons:aut.png}} | | 6 | [[en_sportler:spo_10504h|Stefanie HORN]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | 7 | [[en_sportler:spo_11682j|Luuka JONES]] | NZL {{icons:nzl.png}} | | 8 | [[en_sportler:spo_7863s|Jasmin SCHORNBERG]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 9 | [[en_sportler:spo_13543s|Ana SATILA]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 10 | [[en_sportler:spo_7623p|Fiona PENNIE]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 11 | [[en_sportler:spo_10280l|Marie-Zelia LAFONT]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 12 | [[en_sportler:spo_11472m|Katerina MINARIK KUDEJOVA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 13 | [[en_sportler:spo_12084v|Veronika VOJTOVA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 14 | [[en_sportler:spo_13975z|Klaudia ZWOLINSKA]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | 15 | [[en_sportler:spo_178k|Elena KALISKA]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 16 | [[en_sportler:spo_12609v|Barbora VALIKOVA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 17 | [[en_sportler:spo_12589w|Viktoria WOLFFHARDT]] | AUT {{icons:aut.png}} | | 18 | [[en_sportler:spo_10380p|Natalia PACIERPNIK]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | 19 | [[en_sportler:spo_21196y|Aki YAZAWA]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | 20 | [[en_sportler:spo_13497w|Kimberley WOODS]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 21 | [[en_sportler:spo_13974p|Camille PRIGENT]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 22 | [[en_sportler:spo_11778u|Viktoriya US]] | UKR {{icons:ukr.png}} | | 23 | [[en_sportler:spo_11436f|Lisa FRITSCHE]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 24 | [[en_sportler:spo_12772n|Ajda NOVAK]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | 24 | [[en_sportler:spo_14035h|Michaela HASSOVA]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 26 | [[en_sportler:spo_11676l|Tong LI]] | CHN {{icons:chn.png}} | | 27 | [[en_sportler:spo_9320c|Maialen CHOURRAUT ]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 28 | [[en_sportler:spo_13979e|Kate ECKHARDT]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 29 | [[en_sportler:spo_14972r|Ye REN]] | CHN {{icons:chn.png}} | | 30 | [[en_sportler:spo_13452b|Lucie BAUDU]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 31 | [[en_sportler:spo_14732m|Eliska MINTALOVA]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 32 | [[en_sportler:spo_12061t|Eva TERCELJ]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | 33 | [[en_sportler:spo_13978y|Jiahua YAN]] | CHN {{icons:chn.png}} | | 34 | [[en_sportler:spo_14184m|Alsu MINAZOVA]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 35 | [[en_sportler:spo_14301e|Omira ESTACIA NETA]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 36 | [[en_sportler:spo_14692o|Antonia OSCHMAUTZ]] | AUT {{icons:aut.png}} | | 37 | [[en_sportler:spo_10420t|Yuriko TAKESHITA]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | 38 | [[en_sportler:spo_14849s|Ria SRIBAR]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | 39 | [[en_sportler:spo_11586l|Rosalyn LAWRENCE]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 40 | [[en_sportler:spo_13622m|Florence MAHEU]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} | | 41 | [[en_sportler:spo_10722g|Irati GOIKOETXEA]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 42 | [[en_sportler:spo_10723n|Ashley NEE]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | 43 | [[en_sportler:spo_12650n|Jane NICHOLAS]] | NZL {{icons:nzl.png}} | | 44 | [[en_sportler:spo_14935m|Monika MITASIKOVA]] | SWE {{icons:swe.png}} | | 45 | [[en_sportler:spo_14279s|Marina SOUZA COSTA]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 46 | [[en_sportler:spo_14264w|Martina WEGMAN]] | NED {{icons:ned.png}} | | 47 | [[en_sportler:spo_12062c|Maria Luz CASSINI]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | 48 | [[en_sportler:spo_9984k|Marta KHARITONOVA]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 49 | [[en_sportler:spo_10296p|Ekaterina PEROVA]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 50 | [[en_sportler:spo_14190d|Monica DORIA]] | AND {{icons:and.png}} | | 51 | [[en_sportler:spo_11679m|Marta MARTINEZ]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 52 | [[en_sportler:spo_13661m|Ren MISHIMA]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | 53 | [[en_sportler:spo_14263r|Nadia RIQUELME]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | 54 | [[en_sportler:spo_13998r|Sofia REINOSO]] | MEX {{icons:mex.png}} | | 55 | [[en_sportler:spo_14305r|Carolina ROSSI]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | 56 | [[en_sportler:spo_13534p|Kristina PETROVIC]] | SRB {{icons:srb.png}} | | 57 | [[en_sportler:spo_15202i|Maria INZUNZA]] | CHI {{icons:chi.png}} | | 58 | [[en_sportler:spo_15203l|Pilar LIRA]] | CHI {{icons:chi.png}} | ==== Women's Kayak Cross - individual ==== | 1 | [[en_sportler:spo_13543s|Ana SATILA]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 2 | [[en_sportler:spo_14264w|Martina WEGMAN]] | NED {{icons:ned.png}} | | 3 | [[en_sportler:spo_12291m|Polina MUKHGALEEVA]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 4 | [[en_sportler:spo_10280l|Marie-Zelia LAFONT]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 5 | [[en_sportler:spo_11778u|Viktoriya US]] | UKR {{icons:ukr.png}} | | 6 | [[en_sportler:spo_11586l|Rosalyn LAWRENCE]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 7 | [[en_sportler:spo_13622m|Florence MAHEU]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} | | 8 | [[en_sportler:spo_13897f|Noemie FOX]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 9 | [[en_sportler:spo_13452b|Lucie BAUDU]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 10 | [[en_sportler:spo_12772n|Ajda NOVAK]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | 11 | [[en_sportler:spo_14301e|Omira ESTACIA NETA]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 12 | [[en_sportler:spo_12062c|Maria Luz CASSINI]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | 13 | [[en_sportler:spo_10723n|Ashley NEE]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | 14 | [[en_sportler:spo_12609v|Barbora VALIKOVA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 15 | [[en_sportler:spo_14300s|Sona STANOVSKA]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 16 | [[en_sportler:spo_12916d|Haley DANIELS]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} | | 17 | [[en_sportler:spo_12084v|Veronika VOJTOVA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 18 | [[en_sportler:spo_10504h|Stefanie HORN]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | 19 | [[en_sportler:spo_14184m|Alsu MINAZOVA]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 20 | [[en_sportler:spo_15203l|Pilar LIRA]] | CHI {{icons:chi.png}} | | 21 | [[en_sportler:spo_15202i|Maria INZUNZA]] | CHI {{icons:chi.png}} | | 22 | [[en_sportler:spo_13998r|Sofia REINOSO]] | MEX {{icons:mex.png}} | | 23 | [[en_sportler:spo_14305r|Carolina ROSSI]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | 24 | [[en_sportler:spo_13714v|Annebel VAN DER KNIJFF]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | ==== C1-men - team ==== | 1 | [[en_sportler:spo_10008b|Matej BENUS]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_7663s|Alexander SLAFKOVSKY]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_4953m|Michal MARTIKAN]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 2 | [[en_sportler:spo_11590b|Luka BOZIC]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_9804s|Benjamin SAVSEK]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12292b|Anze BERCIC]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | 3 | [[en_sportler:spo_9112f|David FLORENCE]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12601w|Ryan WESTLEY]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12298b|Adam BURGESS]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 4 | [[en_sportler:spo_9482a|Franz ANTON]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_10449t|Sideris TASIADIS]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13072t|Lennard TUCHSCHERER]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 5 | [[en_sportler:spo_13629j|Cedric JOLY]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_10727g|Denis GARGAUD CHANUT]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11304t|Pierre-Antoine TILLARD]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 6 | [[en_sportler:spo_12816r|Lukas ROHAN]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_9305g|Vitezslav GEBAS]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11548r|Tomas RAK]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 7 | [[en_sportler:spo_14605t|Miquel TRAVE]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12270m|Daniel MARZO]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_10273e|Ander ELOSEGI]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 8 | [[en_sportler:spo_12389l|Zachary LOKKEN]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_8593l|Fabien LEFEVRE]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_10728e|Casey EICHFELD]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | 9 | [[en_sportler:spo_9335c|Stefano CIPRESSI]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12297c|Roberto COLAZINGARI]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13749i|Raffaello IVALDI]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | 10 | [[en_sportler:spo_10275h|Grzegorz HEDWIG]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12754s|Igor SZTUBA]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13866n|Przemyslaw NOWAK]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | 11 | [[en_sportler:spo_12859b|Felipe BORGES]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12867c|Charles Fernando CORREA]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14291s|Gustavo SELBACH JR.]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 12 | [[en_sportler:spo_14481k|Dmitrii KHRAMTSOV]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13748n|Aleksandr NEPOGODIN]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12582s|Kirill SETKIN]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 13 | [[en_sportler:spo_13640c|Brodie CRAWFORD]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13641w|Daniel WATKINS]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11744b|Ian BORROWS]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 14 | [[en_sportler:spo_10761t|Kazuya TANIGUCHI]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12434s|Shota SASAKI]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_10094h|Takuya HANEDA]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | ==== K1 men - team ==== | 1 | [[en_sportler:spo_13682f|Bradley FORBES-CRYANS]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12620c|Joseph CLARKE]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14102b|Christopher BOWERS]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 2 | [[en_sportler:spo_10288p|Dariusz POPIELA]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11260p|Michal PASIUT]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_10386p|Mateusz POLACZYK]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | 3 | [[en_sportler:spo_10767p|Vit PRINDIS]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12595p|Jiri PRSKAVEC]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12243t|Ondrej TUNKA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 4 | [[en_sportler:spo_12249d|Martin DOUGOUD]] | SUI {{icons:sui.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12096w|Lukas WERRO]] | SUI {{icons:sui.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13477m|Manuel MUNSCH]] | SUI {{icons:sui.png}} | | 5 | [[en_sportler:spo_8687m|Tim MAXEINER]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_9494a|Hannes AIGNER]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_8930s|Sebastian SCHUBERT]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 6 | [[en_sportler:spo_13745l|Mario LEITNER]] | AUT {{icons:aut.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14204o|Felix OSCHMAUTZ]] | AUT {{icons:aut.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13948w|Matthias WEGER]] | AUT {{icons:aut.png}} | | 7 | [[en_sportler:spo_14098l|David LLORENTE]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_10718h|Samuel HERNANZ]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_10558c|Joan CRESPO]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 8 | [[en_sportler:spo_12247i|Zeno IVALDI]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12245d|Giovanni DE GENNARO]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14009d|Christian DE DIONIGI]] | ITA {{icons:ita.png}} | | 9 | [[en_sportler:spo_8898k|Peter KAUZER]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13465s|Martin SRABOTNIK]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14286j|Zan JAKSE]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | 10 | [[en_sportler:spo_12874a|Timothy ANDERSON]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13641w|Daniel WATKINS]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11698d|Lucien DELFOUR]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 11 | [[en_sportler:spo_11585s|Cameron SMEDLEY]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11541h|Ben HAYWARD]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12344t|Michael TAYLER]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} | | 12 | [[en_sportler:spo_12389l|Zachary LOKKEN]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_8593l|Fabien LEFEVRE]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12452s|Michal SMOLEN]] | USA {{icons:usa.png}} | | 13 | [[en_sportler:spo_14117d|Jack DANGEN]] | NZL {{icons:nzl.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13932b|Finn BUTCHER]] | NZL {{icons:nzl.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_10431d|Michael DAWSON]] | NZL {{icons:nzl.png}} | | 14 | [[en_sportler:spo_13645r|Lucas ROSSI]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14285c|Matias CONTRERAS]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14036b|Thomas BERSINGER]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | 15 | [[en_sportler:spo_11785h|Martin HALCIN]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13677g|Jakub GRIGAR]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14086s|Jakub STANOVSKY]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 16 | [[en_sportler:spo_13684m|Guilherme Marcello MAPELLI]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13626r|Fabio RODRIGUES]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12647g|Pedro GONCALVES]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 17 | [[en_sportler:spo_12803h|Erik HOLMER]] | SWE {{icons:swe.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_10835w|Frederik WAHLEN]] | SWE {{icons:swe.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11715o|Isak ÖHRSTRÖM]] | SWE {{icons:swe.png}} | | 18 | [[en_sportler:spo_13486r|Cade RYAN]] | IRL {{icons:irl.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14329m|Alistair MCCREERY]] | IRL {{icons:irl.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14277c|Jake COCHRANE]] | IRL {{icons:irl.png}} | | 19 | [[en_sportler:spo_14336e|Fernando ESTAY]] | CHI {{icons:chi.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14268r|Jaime RIAL LANCASTER]] | CHI {{icons:chi.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14051e|Andraz ECHEVERRIA OLGUIN]] | CHI {{icons:chi.png}} | | 20 | [[en_sportler:spo_14085m|Mathurin MADORÉ]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_10714n|Boris NEVEU]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12780b|Quentin BURGI]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 21 | [[en_sportler:spo_13473s|Maxim SHABANOV]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14252m|Sergey MAYMISTOV]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11264e|Pavel EIGEL]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 22 | [[en_sportler:spo_10414y|Kazuki YAZAWA]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11540y|Taku YOSHIDA]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11916a|Kazuya ADACHI]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | ==== C1 women - team ==== | 1 | [[en_sportler:spo_14632f|Bethan FORROW]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12712f|Mallory FRANKLIN]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13497w|Kimberley WOODS]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 2 | [[en_sportler:spo_14587s|Gabriela SATKOVA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_9084h|Katerina HAVLICKOVA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13976f|Tereza FISEROVA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 3 | [[en_sportler:spo_13452b|Lucie BAUDU]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14026p|Lucie PRIOUX]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11677j|Claire JACQUET]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 4 | [[en_sportler:spo_14184m|Alsu MINAZOVA]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13775s|Zulfia SABITOVA]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12291m|Polina MUKHGALEEVA]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 5 | [[en_sportler:spo_14185m|Simona MACEKOVA]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14186s|Monika SKACHOVA]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14300s|Sona STANOVSKA]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 6 | [[en_sportler:spo_11586l|Rosalyn LAWRENCE]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12402f|Jessica FOX]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13897f|Noemie FOX]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 7 | [[en_sportler:spo_13714v|Annebel VAN DER KNIJFF]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13711l|Miren LAZKANO]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12608v|Nuria VILARRUBLA]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 8 | [[en_sportler:spo_12841y|Airi YAGI]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13661m|Ren MISHIMA]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14280s|Ayano SATO]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | 9 | [[en_sportler:spo_11447s|Lena STÖCKLIN]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13050l|Elena LILIK]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13055h|Andrea HERZOG]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 10 | [[en_sportler:spo_14640b|Oceane BAYLACQ]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12062c|Maria Luz CASSINI]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14305r|Carolina ROSSI]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | ==== Women's Kayak - team ==== | 1 | [[en_sportler:spo_10280l|Marie-Zelia LAFONT]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13452b|Lucie BAUDU]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13974p|Camille PRIGENT]] | FRA {{icons:fra.png}} | | 2 | [[en_sportler:spo_7863s|Jasmin SCHORNBERG]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11349f|Ricarda FUNK]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11436f|Lisa FRITSCHE]] | GER {{icons:ger.png}} | | 3 | [[en_sportler:spo_12712f|Mallory FRANKLIN]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_7623p|Fiona PENNIE]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13497w|Kimberley WOODS]] | GBR {{icons:gbr.png}} | | 4 | [[en_sportler:spo_12084v|Veronika VOJTOVA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12609v|Barbora VALIKOVA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11472m|Katerina MINARIK KUDEJOVA]] | CZE {{icons:cze.png}} | | 5 | [[en_sportler:spo_14972r|Ye REN]] | CHN {{icons:chn.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13978y|Jiahua YAN]] | CHN {{icons:chn.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11676l|Tong LI]] | CHN {{icons:chn.png}} | | 6 | [[en_sportler:spo_9984k|Marta KHARITONOVA]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_10296p|Ekaterina PEROVA]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14184m|Alsu MINAZOVA]] | RUS {{icons:rus.png}} | | 7 | [[en_sportler:spo_13979e|Kate ECKHARDT]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12402f|Jessica FOX]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11586l|Rosalyn LAWRENCE]] | AUS {{icons:aus.png}} | | 8 | [[en_sportler:spo_21196y|Aki YAZAWA]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_10420t|Yuriko TAKESHITA]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13661m|Ren MISHIMA]] | JPN {{icons:jpn.png}} | | 9 | [[en_sportler:spo_10722g|Irati GOIKOETXEA]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_9320c|Maialen CHOURRAUT ]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_11679m|Marta MARTINEZ]] | ESP {{icons:esp.png}} | | 10 | [[en_sportler:spo_9996k|Corinna KUHNLE]] | AUT {{icons:aut.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12589w|Viktoria WOLFFHARDT]] | AUT {{icons:aut.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14692o|Antonia OSCHMAUTZ]] | AUT {{icons:aut.png}} | | 11 | [[en_sportler:spo_14035h|Michaela HASSOVA]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_178k|Elena KALISKA]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14732m|Eliska MINTALOVA]] | SVK {{icons:svk.png}} | | 12 | [[en_sportler:spo_14450s|Aleksandra STACH]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13975z|Klaudia ZWOLINSKA]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_10380p|Natalia PACIERPNIK]] | POL {{icons:pol.png}} | | 13 | [[en_sportler:spo_9795k|Ursa KRAGELJ]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12061t|Eva TERCELJ]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12772n|Ajda NOVAK]] | SLO {{icons:slo.png}} | | 14 | [[en_sportler:spo_13543s|Ana SATILA]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14301e|Omira ESTACIA NETA]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14279s|Marina SOUZA COSTA]] | BRA {{icons:bra.png}} | | 15 | [[en_sportler:spo_14263r|Nadia RIQUELME]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12062c|Maria Luz CASSINI]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_14305r|Carolina ROSSI]] | ARG {{icons:arg.png}} | | 16 | [[en_sportler:spo_14304b|Lois BETTERIDGE]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_12916d|Haley DANIELS]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} | | ::: | [[en_sportler:spo_13622m|Florence MAHEU]] | CAN {{icons:can.png}} |