==== TSV 1850/09 Korbach ====
[[lkv_07|07 Hessen]]
=== No-Data-Found: Sprache: EN - Gruppe: ACH - Kuerzel:ZSA ===
chart: {
width: 80%,
height: 60%,
type: 'line'
series: [{
name: 'Number of Athletes (individual categories only)',
data: [1,1]
xaxis: {
categories: [1995,2000]
=== No-Data-Found: Sprache: EN - Gruppe: ACH - Kuerzel:ZSS ===
chart: {
width: 80%,
height: 60%,
type: 'line'
series: [{
name: 'Number of Athletes (individual categories only)',
data: [1]
xaxis: {
categories: [1995]
=== No-Data-Found: Sprache: EN - Gruppe: ACH - Kuerzel:ZSJ ===
chart: {
width: 80%,
height: 60%,
type: 'line'
series: [{
name: 'Number of Athletes (individual categories only)',
data: [1]
xaxis: {
categories: [2000]
== remark ==
* Athletes marked with (*) are from a different club.
* Results of German Championships: individual 1-10, prior to 2010: 1-3, teams: 1-3