Zeige QuelltextLinks hierherNach oben Teilen auf Teilen auf... Twitter LinkedIn Facebook TelegrameMail versendenDrucken × Euro-Cup Final Ranking - 1990 - Back to Startpage - Medal Statistics Euro-Cup Final Ranking medal statistics Result List Nation gold silver bronze individual categories only 1 FRG - Federal Republic of Germany 2 0 0 (2/0/0) 2 FRA - France 1 1 1 (1/1/1) 3 YUG - Yugoslavia 1 0 0 (1/0/0) 4 TCH - Czechoslovakia 0 1 2 (0/1/2) 5 GBR - Great Britain 0 1 0 (0/1/0) 5 IRL - Ireland 0 1 0 (0/1/0) 7 GDR - German Democratic Republic 0 0 1 (0/0/1) en_international/medal/ec1990.txt Zuletzt geändert: 28-Sep-2024 16:40von Anmelden